Data Handling

15. Following cards are put facing down: A     E     I     O    U. What is the chance of drawing out a vowel?

  • (A) 0
  • (B) 1/2
  • (C) 1/3
  • (D) 1

14. Following cards are put facing down: A     E     I     O    U. What is the chance of drawing out a card marked U?

  • (A) 0
  • (B) 1/3
  • (C) 1/5
  • (D) 1/2

13. Following cards are put facing down: A     E     I     O    U. What is the chance of drawing out A or I?

  • (A) 0
  • (B) 1/5
  • (C) 2/5
  • (D) 1

12. Following cards are put facing down: A     E     I     O    U. What is the chance of drawing out a consonant?

  • (A) 0
  • (B) 1/2
  • (C) 1/3
  • (D) 1

11. What is the probability that a student chosen at random out of 3 girls and 4 boys is a boy?

  • (A) 1/4
  • (B) 3/4
  • (C) 1/7
  • (D) 4/7

10. The letters written on paper slips of the word MEDIAN are put in a bag. If one slip is drawn randomly, what is the probability that it bears the letter D?

  • (A) 1/2
  • (B) 1/3
  • (C) 1/5
  • (D) 1/6

9. The mean of 10 observations was calculated as 40. It was detected on rechecking that the value of 45 was wrongly copied as 15. The correct mean is

  • (A) 41
  • (B) 42
  • (C) 43
  • (D) 40

8. The number of trees in different parks of a city are 33, 38, 48, 33, 34, 34, 33 and 24. The mode of this data is

  • (A) 24
  • (B) 34
  • (C) 33
  • (D) 48

7. Out of 5 brands of chocolates in a shop, a boy has to purchase the brand which is most liked by children. What measure of central tendency would be most appropriate if the data is provided to him?

  • (A) Mean
  • (B) Mode
  • (C) Median
  • (D) Any of the three

6. In a school, only 2 out of 5 students can participate in a quiz. What is the chance that a student picked at random makes it to the competition?

  • (A) 20%
  • (B) 40%
  • (C) 50%
  • (D) 30%

5. The mean of three numbers is 40. All the three numbers are different natural numbers. If lowest is 19, what could be highest possible number of remaining two numbers?

  • (A) 81
  • (B) 40
  • (C) 100
  • (D) 71

4. Kailash earned scores of 97, 73 and 88 respectively in his first three examinations. If he scored 80 in the fourth examination, then his average score will be

  • (A) Increased by 1
  • (B) Increased by 1.5
  • (C) Decreased by 1
  • (D) Decreased by 1.5

3. A coin is tossed 15 times and the outcomes are recorded as H T T H T H H H T T H T H T T. The chance of occurrence of a head is 

  • (A) 7/15
  • (B) 8/15
  • (C) 6/15
  • (D) 9/15

2. Let x be the range of the data 2, –5, 4, 3, 7, 6 and y be the range of the data when each of the previous observations is decreased by 2. Which among the following is true?

  • (A) x > y
  • (B) x < y
  • (C) x = y
  • (D) None of these

1. Let x be the range of the data 3, 7, 1, –2, 2, 6, –3, –5 and y be the range of the data when each of the previous observations is increased by 8. Which among the following is true?

  • (A) x > y
  • (B) x < y
  • (C) x = y
  • (D) None of these

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