40 Interesting Facts About Mathematics

We could use up two Eternities in learning all that is to be learned about our own world and the thousands of nations that have arisen and flourished and vanished from it. Mathematics alone would occupy me for eight million years.

Mark Twain

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Mathematics is a very interesting subject. Understanding different interesting facts about mathematics helps the students to develop their skills and motivates them to learn more about the subject. In this blog post, we are listing down a few amazing facts about mathematics.

One can observe that all odd numbers, which are those ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, contain the letter e. Therefore, it can be concluded that the presence of the letter e is a common characteristic of all odd numbers.

There is no zero (0) in Roman numerals. The entire number system is generated by the seven different letters, namely I, V, X, L, C, D and M. Using these, we can write numbers up to 3999.

In the entire Hindu Arabic number system, there is only one number which can be spelled with the same number of letters as itself. That number is FOUR.

In the decimal number system, there are 10 digits from 0 to 9. It is also known as the Hindu Arabic numeral system, invented more than 1000 years ago.

Forty is the only number that is spelt with letters arranged in alphabetical order.

One is the only number that is spelt with letters arranged in descending order.

What comes after million, billion, and trillion? You can term the numbers after these terms as quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion.

The majority of the months have 31 days in a calendar. Only four months have 30 days i.e., April, June, September and November. February typically only has 28 days, with the exception of leap years (there 29 days).

The opposite sides of a die always add up to 7. For example, 6 and 1 will always be on opposite sides which add up to 7.

2 is the only natural number satisfying 2 + 2 = 2 × 2.

The number 2 is the smallest even prime number.

In the Indian number system, when we write numbers from 0 to 1000, the letter A only appears first in 1000 (one thousand).

The idea of zero was invented by an Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta in around 600 A. D. He contributed a lot to mathematics and astronomy, and is known for explaining how to find the cube and cube-root of an integer.

The nickname of Denver city is the mile-high city because its official elevation is exactly one mile (or 5280 feet or 1609.344 meters) above sea level.

The hour and minute hand of a clock coincide 22 times in a day.

Take any number and multiply it by three. Now find the sum of the digits in the answer. It is always divisible by 3. For example, consider 17. Multiply it by 3 to obtain 17 × 3 = 51 and the sum of digits = 5 + 1 = 6. Clearly, 6 is divisible by 3.

A perfect number refers to a positive integer which is equal to the sum of its positive divisors. Following this rule, 6 is the smallest perfect number. The next perfect number is 28.

From 0 to 1000, the only number that has the letter a in it is one thousand.

The word love in tennis means a score of zero.

Number 9 is also known as the magic number. This is because if we find the digital sum of digits (sum of digits till we get a single digit) of any multiple of 9, we will get 9. For example, consider 9 × 99 = 891. Now the digital sum is 8 + 9 + 1 = 18 and again 1 + 8 = 9.

Googol means 1 followed by 100 zeroes. A googolplex equivalent to ten raised to the power of a googol. A googolplexian equivalent to ten raised to the power of a googolplex.

Teenagers texting in Thailand will send the digits 555 to indicate that something is funny. In the Thai language, 5 is pronounced as ha which when translated becomes ha-ha-ha.

In a sample of 23 people, there are 50% chances that two of them will share the same birthday. This is known as the birthday problem.

Seven is the most significant number across religions and cultures. For example, seven colours in a rainbow, seven days in a week, seven notes on the musical skill, etc.

The signs Plus (+) and Minus (-) were discovered as early as in 1489 A.D.

Two and five are the only prime numbers in the entire number system which ends with two or five.

If you add up all the numbers between 1 to 100 consecutively then the total that you will reach is 5050.

Leonardo Fibonacci from Pisa, in the 13th century, discovered the Fibonacci sequence. This sequence is created as the sum of the two preceding numbers, with starting members as 1, 1. Complete sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, . . .

The minimum number of cuts that are required to cut the figure into eight pieces are three i.e., horizontally, vertically and cutting by the base.

Maps have four colours. According to the four-color theorem, any map can be coloured using only four colours so that regions sharing a boundary do not share the same colour.

−40° C is equal to −40° F.

For a given rate of interest say r, the time T required to double an investment is 72 / r. This is known as the Rule of 72.

26 is the only natural number sandwiched between a perfect square number (25) and a perfect cube number (27).

We all have heard about the Pythagoras theorem. But there is also something which is known as Pythagoras constant. The square root of 2 i.e. 1.41 was the first irrational number to be discovered which is known as the Pythagoras constant.

A standard football is made up of Pentagons and Hexagons. There are 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons.

Eleven plus Two is an anagram of Twelve plus One which is pretty fitting as the answer to both equations is 13. Also, there are 13 letters in both eleven plus two and twelve plus one.

A shirt will never come free if successive discounts of 50%, 30% and 20% are given by the shop keeper.

In any circle, ratio of the circumference and diameter is always constant. This constant quantity is known as π. It is a special number which is irrational. There is a designated day, called Pi day, that we celebrate on March 14.

There are other special numbers also apart from Pythagoras constant and pi. Some of these numbers are Euler’s constant, Golden ratio, etc.

The ratio of the distance between the fingertip and the elbow to the distance between the elbow and the wrist approximately equals the golden ratio ф (phi) = 1·618.

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